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The 2016 Presidential Election Results!

On November 8, 2016, American citizens exercised their democratic right to vote. The American people flooded polling places to cast their votes for candidates whose platforms aligned with their ideals. This election was particularly important as it had a rather interesting ballot. Candidates included Donald Trump (Rep.), Hillary Clinton (Dem.), Gary Johnson (Libertarian Party), and Jill Stein (Green Party). Despite projections deeming Hillary Clinton as the president-elect, this outcome did not occur. A single candidate is required to win 270 votes from the electoral college, the distribution of which being determined by the popular vote in individual states and the number of electors in each one. Trump won states with copious amounts of electoral votes, including Florida, North Carolina, and Michigan. He also gained, surprisingly, the support of a generally left-wing Pennsylvania, earning him 20 electoral votes. Donald Trump amassed 279 electoral votes while Hillary Clinton won 228 and the majority of the popular vote. Due to the accumulation of the majority of electoral votes, Donald Trump became the president of the United States in the 2016 election. Trump met with President Obama to be welcomed into the White House and to discuss presidential matters on Thursday, November 10. Inauguration Day is January 20, which is when Donald Trump will formally transition from president-elect to the president of the United States.

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